MCF Group is a Delaware-based certified woman-owned and operated small business. We specialize in Professional and IT Services and staffing.

architectural photography of building with people in it during nighttime
architectural photography of building with people in it during nighttime

Our dedication lies in surpassing customer expectations by ensuring exceptional project management, quality assurance, and unwavering support throughout the entire project lifecycle.

Founded with the aim of transforming the user experience for government agencies, MCF Group harnesses cutting-edge technologies and provides unparalleled customer service. Every project we undertake is met with unwavering enthusiasm and dedication. We take immense pride in our position at the forefront of innovation, placing customer satisfaction as our top priority, and continuously striving for exceptional performance while maintaining cost-effectiveness.


Our venture was initiated with the mission to leverage our expertise and passion in the fields of Professional Services and Information Technology to empower individuals and organizations alike. By providing comprehensive solutions and personalized support, we aim to enable our clients to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

architectural photography of building with people in it during nighttime
architectural photography of building with people in it during nighttime

Our goal is to create an inclusive work environment that promotes equal opportunities for all individuals, while also delivering exceptional, world-class services to our valued clients. We believe in fostering diversity, respecting every individual's unique talents, and ensuring fairness in our hiring practices, so that we can bring the best talents together and provide unparalleled services to our customers.

Empowering your success with world-class service!
